Rijnkade - Arnhem, The Netherlands (2021)
Noorbeek - Limburg, The Netherlands (2021)
ArtZuid - Amsterdam , The Netherlands (2019)
Monet - France (1018)
Aardvarken - Arnhem , The Netherlands (2018)
Woman doing the dishes by using ashes - India (2003)
Shoesmaker - India (2003)
Stonecutters street - Jaisalmer. India (2003)
Music players - Jaisalmer, India (2003)
Newspaper - Xian, China (2001)
Huton - Beijin, China (2001)
Oudezijds Voorburgwal - Amsterdam, The Netherlands (2024)
Muurhuizen - Amersfoort, The Netherlands (2022)
Zeeburg - Amsterdam, The Netherlands (2021)
Haverstraat - Utrecht, The Netherlands (2020)
Rothenburg, Germany (2019)
Amsterdam Noord , The Netherlands (2018)
Wittevrouwensingel - Utrecht, The Netherlands (2017)
Delft, The Netherlands (2016)